Brands & Material from Japan

From Nature to Home

siwa wallet and passport case

The Japanese brands in our online store feature their individual, traditional way of manufacturing and use only natural products.

SIWA is a product line, which uses paper as its base to create sustainable and innovative products. The design products SIWA are manufactured from a combination of japan paper and recycled PET. They are water resistant and durable, but still feel like paper. So they take the best of both worlds. Paper plays also a key role in the creation of the TERUKO Notebooks, whereas the cover consists of Japan paper, silk oder cotton from the kimono production. MUSUBI uses 100% cotton as material for their Furoshiki with modern and traditional Japanese patterns.

SIWA | Naoron

TOBE | Porcelain

MUSUBI | Furoshiki

Also the AIZOME products consist of cotton, which was dyed with the all natural dye from the indigo plant. This plant dye is used as well in the glaze of TOBE YAKI porcelain. This stone based porcelain is sourced in the local stone pits and directly processed. The next brands‘ products also come from the soil: TANBA. To be more precise, the products are made from clay and glazed in earthy colors. So all of your products come from nature and enter our daily lives as basic commodity.


TANBA | Ceramic


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